ASU California Center Broadway | 1111 S. Broadway, Los Angeles, CA 90015
As political polarization continues to divide Americans and weaken faith in our democratic institutions, is America’s role as the “indispensable nation” also under threat? Once viewed as the only nation with the power to ensure global security, increasingly isolationist policies and stalled support for democratic allies raise questions about America’s leadership role in the world. The McCain Institute at Arizona State University will host a discussion with David Axelrod examining whether polarization is transforming America into a "dispensable” nation, analyzing the impact on global stability, and identifying remedies to reposition America as a trusted partner around the world.
David Axelrod is a preeminent American political strategist and commentator and the former chief strategist and senior advisor to President Barack Obama. He currently serves as a Distinguished Fellow at the University of Chicago, Professor of Practice at Arizona State University and senior political commentator for CNN. He is the host of The Axe Files, a top-rated podcast featuring in-depth conversations with public figures across the political spectrum.
Dr. Evelyn N. Farkas is the Executive Director of the McCain Institute and has three decades of experience working on national security and foreign policy in the U.S. executive, legislative branch, private sector and for international organizations overseas. She was previously president of Farkas Global Strategies, a senior fellow at the German Marshall Fund of the United States and the Atlantic Council, and national security contributor for NBC/MSNBC.
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